I've been trying to get things ordered and ready for her birthday party next month. I'm also having a really hard time figuring out what to get her for her birthday. My parents ordered her a swingset which she already knows about and asks about every day. We were thinking about getting a sandbox but she's never played in sand before and I don't want it to just sit there and go to waste. I think she'd like it more with other children to play with so we may get that next year when she has a sibling and a 1 year old cousin to play with. Ah decisions decisions.
In other news, my pregnancy is going well. I've been feeling Little Fetus moving around and Kenzie gives "the baby" kisses every day. My nausea has finally gone away...until my blood pressure goes up. I see bedrest in my future. Good way to spend the summer, eh? Hopefully I can keep it under control. I had my first glucose screening a few weeks ago and I must've passed since they didn't call me. We have our gender ultrasound on May 26th and I really can't wait. I've tried not to think about it too much and Kenzie has helped keep my mind off of it so this pregnancy is flying by!
Well, that's about all I have to say for now. My next post will probably be after my ultrasound. Hopefully I'll have the gender for you :-)
-How far along? 19 weeks.
-Total weight gain/loss: Home scale says no gain :-)
-Maternity clothes? Jeans, but I can still fit into my regular jeans.
-Sleep: About 7 hours nonconsecutively, waking up to pee once or twice a night.
-Best moment this week: Nothing to do with the pregnancy, but the weather last week was amazing lol
-Food cravings: The past few days it's been peanut butter.
-Gender: I'm not confident on a guess but I'll say boy.
-Movement: Some flutters and kicks every now and then.
-What I am looking forward to: Finding out the gender. Next week! (if fetus cooperates)
-What I miss: Deli meat.
-Milestones: Not gaining any weight is a milestone for me lol
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