Thursday, March 24, 2011

Lazy Blogger

Hello hello hello. I know it's been way too long, I'm a serious slacker.  Okay, here's what's been going on in the past month: I had another OB appt this past Monday and fetus is looking great!  Heartbeat was in the 170s and he/she is growing good.  I'll be 12 weeks on Monday, so I'm almost out of the oh so lovely 1st trimester.  I have 8 more weeks to go before I can find out the sex and I'm anxious lol.  Kenzie is so sweet.  Every morning she has to give the baby (ie. my belly) a kiss.  I think she's excited.
On Tuesday, March 22, my younger sister, Jessica, gave birth to her first child, a son named Jayden.  He is so precious!  Kenzie just adores him and so do I.  Aunt Kristie will definitely spoil him :-)  Here's my gorgeous nephew:
Jayden Robert. 7 lbs 7.1 oz and 21 in long <3

Here are some pics from our visit last night:
 Papaw with his grand-babies<3

Kenzie meeting her cousin for the first time.

She loves Jayden <3

I'm a proud aunt, as you can tell :-)  Mackenzie's been doing well.  We tried to start potty training.  She's peed in the potty a couple times.  A few weeks ago she told us she had to poop.  We sat her on her potty...
She sat there playing on Steve's cell phone.  I asked if she was going to go potty.  She said "No."  I said "You don't have to go poopy?"  She said "No."  So we let her stand up guessed it...she pooped on the floor...right next to the potty. much fun lol.  So I don't think she's ready yet, and she still just plays in her diaper after pooping.  Sick kid.  Hopefully she can get the grasp of this whole potty thing before her sibling arrives.  I'm not ready for double diaper duty. 
Well, that's what's been going on around here.  Hope you enjoyed this crazy, all over the place post.  Talk to you soon :-)