Thursday, May 26, 2011

Oh, Brother!

Well, today was the big ultrasound and fetus was kind enough to show us the goods.  Come the end of September, Kenzie will have a little brother!!!  I'm so excited and Steve is, too, since he won't be out numbered now :-p  I was about 90% sure and Steve was positive it was a girl. Looks like I won :-)  Kenzie doesn't really understand yet.  She just knows there's a baby in mommy's belly.  I'm sure she will adore him once he's here because she is smitten with my 2 month old nephew.  I'm also excited for my son and nephew to grow up together, being only 6 months apart in age.  I think they'll be best friends, which would be amazing.  I've had his name picked out since before I even got pregnant.  My dad's name is Jack so his first name with be Jaxon (Jax for short) and Steve's dear grandpa, who passed away 3 days before I found out I was pregnant, was named Stanley so that'll be his middle name. He's measuring right on schedule and his heart rate was 141.  We have to have another quick ultrasound in a month because she couldn't see his stomach. Hopefully he was just hunched and hiding it.  
Oh, I'm just so excited!  Here are some of the first 
pictures of little Jaxon. Enjoy :-)


Yep, he's a boy!


  1. hi, i just stumbled across your blog! i'm pregnant with a little boy too & we're naming him jackson as well :)

    1. Hey, welcome to my blog! I'm just getting ready to update it because I haven't done anything to it in a while. Congrats on your pregnancy! I had Jaxon on September 27, 2011. He's almost 4 months old and he is such a sweetie :-)
